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About our project
Sample of our collaborative work
Short descriptionIt’s a project about our friends and about us. It’s a project about the exciting journey from our classrooms to different countries in Europe. Passengers(students and teachers) spent this school year together and got to know themselves through a real educational adventure. We travelled on the wings of our thoughts, feelings, knowledge and inspiration. Our stations were Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Macedonia, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Iceland and United Kingdom. The language we used to communicate – English. We visited other European countries and went on a virtual sightseeing tour in their capitals. We climbed up the mountains, relaxed at the seaside and enjoyed the vastness of the plains. On our way in Europe we met people that made the world a better place for living and through their honest lives and talents remained forever in the hearts of millions of people. At the end of our journey we sat around the European table with traditional food of our countries. We had fun, studied and celebrated together. At the beginning of the journey– we didn’t know each other. At the end– we are friends.We invite you to sit next to us on our imaginative vehicle and take a little time to get to know us. If you like us(we think we are awesome), you can visit the twinspace of our project. Here we go! The adventure starts here: http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p86342 Project work on following topics:1.Itroduce yourself 2. Introduce your country and school 3.Our European capitals 4.Let me show you our beautiful nature 5. An unique tradition 6. My country is famous with...7. Traditional food on our European table
Project partners - 28 partner(s)
Subjects: Primary School Subjects
Languages: EL - EN - HR
Subjects: Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects
Languages: EN
Subjects: Foreign Languages, Geography, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Mathematics / Geometry, Special Needs Education
Languages: EN
Subjects: Astronomy,
Environmental Education, Health Studies, History, History of Culture,
Informatics / ICT, Natural Sciences, Physics, Religion
Languages: EN - LT
Subjects: Environmental Education, Music, Natural Sciences, Primary School Subjects
Languages: EN
Subjects: Primary School Subjects
Languages: DE - EN
Subjects: Art, Drama, Foreign Languages, Language and Literature, Music, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects, Technology
Languages: EN - FR - IT - TR
Subjects: Art, Citizenship,
Classical Languages (Latin & Greek), Cross Curricular, Design and
Technology, Drama, Economics, Environmental Education, Ethics, European
Studies, Foreign Languages, Geography, History, History of Culture, Home
economics, Language and Literature, Media Education, Music, Philosophy /
Logic, Politics, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects, Social
Studies / Sociology, Special Needs Education, Technology
Languages: EN
fadime ılgın (FOUNDER)
Subjects: Art, Astronomy,
Classical Languages (Latin & Greek), Cross Curricular, Drama,
Environmental Education, European Studies, Foreign Languages, History of
Culture, Language and Literature, Music, Primary School Subjects,
Psychology, Social Studies / Sociology
Languages: EN - TR
Subjects: Biology, Natural Sciences
Languages: EN - RO
Subjects: Art, Drama, European Studies, Geography, Language and Literature, Mathematics / Geometry, Music, Primary School Subjects
Languages: EN - LT
Subjects: Art, Citizenship, Design and Technology, Drama, Environmental Education, European Studies, Primary School Subjects
Languages: EN
Irena Raykova (FOUNDER)
Subjects: Primary School Subjects
Languages: BG - EN
Subjects: Ethics, Informatics / ICT, Primary School Subjects
Languages: CZ - EN - PL - SK
Subjects: Foreign Languages, Natural Sciences, Pre-school Subjects
Languages: EN - LV
Subjects: Foreign Languages
Languages: EN - PL
Subjects: Art, Foreign Languages, Music, Primary School Subjects
Languages: EN - ES
Subjects: Physical Education, Primary School Subjects
Languages: EN - ES
Subjects: Art, Cross Curricular, Environmental Education, Foreign Languages, Geography, History
Languages: EL - EN
Subjects: Health Studies, Music, Pre-school Subjects
Languages: EN
Subjects: Art, Foreign Languages, History, Informatics / ICT, Music
Languages: EN - PL
Subjects: Design and Technology, Informatics / ICT, Primary School Subjects
Languages: ES - PT - EN
Subjects: Art, Biology,
Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Design and Technology, Economics,
Environmental Education, Health Studies, Informatics / ICT, Technology
Languages: EN - FR - RO
Subjects: Primary School Subjects
Languages: BG - EN
Subjects: Environmental Education, History of Culture, Natural Sciences, Pre-school Subjects
Languages: EN - TR
Subjects: Foreign Languages, History of Culture
Languages: EN
Subjects: Foreign Languages, Primary School Subjects, Technology
Languages: BG - EN
Subjects: Art, European Studies, Foreign Languages
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